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New Podcast | Save Babies When You Purchase SECRETS: The Truth Will Out

Can you believe it's already July? I can't, but I'm so happy it is! Why? Because all throughout the month of July, the proceeds from SECRETS | The Truth Will Out are going directly toward saving babies by being donated to the awesome, life-saving organizations featured in the book. How cool is that?! You can save babies AND benefit the teen in your life when you purchase a copy (or ten ;) of the supernatural, pro-life novel SECRETS any time during July.

I'm thrilled to say that the organization featured this week is Let Them Live.

As the fantastic folks at Let Them Live say, "No mom should have to choose between paying her bills or her baby's life."

Isn't that so true?

Want to learn more about Let Them Live and their vision? Visit

If you want to learn more about my new pro-life novel and the reason behind my ministry, I invite you to listen to my interview with Dori Durbin here. Or visit Amazon to read the details.

Please consider purchasing a copy today or joining The Heartbeat Club, Let Them Live's community of monthly givers, which brings financial assistance to mothers in crisis pregnancies every single month.

Thank you for taking a tangible step toward supporting the most vulnerable!

Love and prayers,


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